This morning we took Willow to the hospital to have tubes put into her eardrums. We arrived at Deaconess Gateway around 6am. That is a really nice hospital. And everyone we met was great. Willow got lots of attention everywhere we went.

We went back into the pre-op area and got a little hospital gown. There was a bright little crib bed. It was cute but also really sad as I thought about all the little babies that had been there before.

We had a lot of time to kill in between people coming in to ask us if she was allergic to anything and when the last time was that she ate. Might I suggest the first person write this info down for the next 5 people so they don't have to ask?
The anesthesiologist was a bit late because her schedule was wrong, but she was really nice and she carried Willow back to the surgery area around 7:50am. Willow didn't cry, surprisingly. They said for her age it was best to knock her out and then put in the IV.
We went to get some caffeine and magazines. I took a few sips and saw a couple of minutes of the USA basketball team before Dr. Logan came in and said she was all done. This was 8:10am. I asked if she was awake and he said she was and that she was "pissed". That's our Willow.
A few minutes later a nurse came and asked me to come back there and help her calm down. She was screaming terribly when I got into the recovery area. She calmed down for a second when I get to her but then she kept crying because she had a blood pressure cuff on her that was squeezing her arm and a heart rate monitor taped to her toe. She hates that stuff. They tried to giver her some water with a bottle but she didn't know what that was. She's never had a bottle before and she didn't care for it.
They got her vitals and we were wheeled together back to the room. She was crying a lot but I could tell it was mostly because she was so tired and hungry. She finally got to drink some apple juice from her sippy cup.

I tried desperately for almost an hour to get her to sleep but she fought it the whole time. She was still a bit out of it. She had just fallen asleep when a nurse came in. She woke up but didn't cry. I could tell she was different. I guess the drugs had worn off and she was more aware. She just laid there for a few minutes and then we got up and got ready to leave. Everyone wanted to say bye and ask about her. One conversation went like this:
"Does she have any brothers or sisters?"
"One of each."
"She has the most beautiful eyes. What are their names?"
I wanted so badly to say that we hadn't named her eyes, but since everyone was so nice, I just answered with the kids' names.
They wheeled us out, Willow on my lap in a wheelchair. Everyone in the lobby stared and smiled. They probably thought she was sick. It made me so thankful for her health. I'm not strong enough to be one of those moms who deals with that kind of stuff.
On the way home Willow snacked on animal crackers and apple juice. I was going to put her in bed, but she wanted waffles. She scarfed them down and wanted more animal crackers.

Right now she is taking a very long nap. Thank you to everyone who prayed for her. Now pray that I'm not so careless that I let water get in her ears. And pray that this is the last time we have to do this.