Thursday, February 12, 2009

Best Offense

This past Saturday Abby won "best Offense" at her Upwards basketball game. She scored her first basket in a game and managed to score another two baskets despite only playing half of the game. She also had at least three good steals and some assists. She seems to get better and more comfortable each week. Her next game is Saturday the 21st at 9am.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Willow in January

Wearing Abby's old bike helmut. She saw the humor in it.

Listening to Jason's ipod.

Eating Chick-fil-A after Abby's basketball game.

Playing in the snow. She's not sure if she likes it or not.

Potty-training gone terribly wrong.
Actually, we were at Jenny's house and we heard a terrible scream. This is how we found her. I won't win any awards for this one.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Luke in January

Riding his birthday bike (December)

Watching the Evansville Aces

Eating at Chick-fil-A after one of Abby's basketball games

Looking a lot like Wolverine in the ice

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Abigail in January

Trying out her new rollerblades on a rare warm winter day (technically December 27).
Playing some D in one of her first Upwards Basketball games.

Sledding and looking good doing it.

Playing with Jason in the snow on the rare occasion they both have the day off.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Storm Video and Pictures

As promised, here is a video of the tree on fire. This was one of ignitions in the middle of a series. It got progressively bigger each time it reignited before finally blowing out the power. I was no longer videoing since I was running to get a fire extinguisher at that point.

And a few pictures, some of the beauty and some of the beast of a mess I have to clean up. I'll post ones with the kids later.