Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Willow's surprise

Willow had her 9 month checkup yesterday. She weighed 16 pounds-15 ounces and is 27.5 inches tall. That puts her in the 50th percentile on height and 25th percentile on weight. She had to have her blood drawn for a routine test called CBC. That was not fun but I guess it's better than shots. Her iron was a little low, but they weren't concerned. I'm not sure what that means. Also, I posted earlier about her ear infections. Her ear wasn't draining and she prescribed low-dose antibiotics to keep it from getting infected. I didn't give her the meds because I wanted to see how it cleared up on it's own. That turned out fine. Her ears were great. The doctor asked me if she had any teeth and I laughed and said, "No, I doubt she'll get any for a few months." (Since Abby got hers at 18 months and Luke at 11 months) The doctor reached in her mouth and said, "She's got one." Yep, there it was. I'm positive that she got it over night. It wasn't there Monday, but Monday night she couldn't sleep well. I had to hold her for awhile and she finally slept around 1am. It was very odd for her. Now I understand. So since then she has struggled to sleep and her nose is running and she coughs occasionally (all normal for teething), but fortunately she has no fever. I've never experienced teething before. My other kids' teeth just showed up. I don't like it. I'll try to get a picture of it soon.

Her newest trick is shaking her head no. I'm going to have a heck of a time with this kid. I can feel it.

Here's a video of Willow at Abby's T-ball game (See other post today):


Todd Bacon said...

That video was cool.. I think she was saying Gandalf.

She digs those feet! =o)

Angela said...

yeah for teeth. How crazy is that. We were just talking about that the other day. She is so stinkin' cute.