Thursday, March 13, 2008

Laura's thoughts today...

I need to do a little spring cleaning in my brain.

Soon, around July or so, I'll be done nursing Willow. She's the last one. It's like graduating high school. I'm going to have to start growing up at that point. I'm going to have to decide what I want to be when I grow up. I'm getting the itch to start leaving the house by myself to do things I think I once liked to do. I've forgotten who I am and what I like. I have to redefine me. Here are some of the characteristics I'm considering.

I've decided I need this:

Unfortunately I never leave the house alone. I'm not sure when I could use it but I think I would like myself and my lifestyle more if I had one. People would think I was a guy but then I'd take off my helmet and then they would think, "That's a cool chick."

I'm going learn to play the drums this year. Yes, I've said that before. I'm saying it again. I'll probably never get to use this talent, but I think just knowing I am a drummer is good enough for me. Like any good nerd, I've already got my drumming books and dvd to help me learn.

I've also decided to start wall-climbing again at Vertical eXcape. I really enjoyed that back in the day. I miss it. The problem is that I can't do it alone. Jason doesn't like climbing and that's okay. Someone's got to stay with the kids. Maybe this will be an opportunity to develop some friendships. Yikes.

When I was a kid, say pre-school age, I wondered how the stoplights worked. How did they switch and how did they know when there was traffic? I imagined there was a little monkey inside with a lantern. He could see out and lift and lower the lantern to the appropriate light. Smart monkey. His talents were wasted.

I am going to take more photos this year and use them as "art" around the house. I've seen the crap at the stores. I can do better than that and it will mean more to me.

I'm going to need some better clothes. I need things that are still comfortable but fit me better. I'm tired of dressing like Jason.

I want to go back to school and get a completely different degree than elementary education. What a waste of time. Sorry mom and dad. Thanks for paying for the degree that's sitting in my filing cabinet. I hope you don't mind if I get a new one. And thanks in advance to all those people who will be babysitting while I'm in class. Uh, Jenny, you live pretty close to Ivy Tech. We'll be in touch.

This is going to be an expensive mid-life crisis. That doesn't sound right. It's more of a metamorphosis. Thanks for listening.


Rich said...

Rock Band would be good to practice drums on.

Todd Bacon said...

Does anyone ever tell you that you look like Natalie Portman? You could be sisters.

I'm up for a lunch-time ride when you get your bike.

But I suggest more of a laid back street bike... better on your back.

Love ya!

Laura said...

Rich - I think I will practice on Rock Band when we get it this summer. For now I'll practice on my real drums that Jason got me over a year ago.

Todd - That's funny. I think Natalie Portman looks like Jenny. But with her haircut short I can see a resemblence I suppose.

Laura said...

Try this one instead. I've chopped it up to fit:

Jason said...

I thought this was you:

Laura said...

Technically, yes, that was me, although I never received credit. Natalie did the live show but hired me to make the video in her place. She couldn't handle all the bad words. I, on the other hand, curse like a sailor after 2 hard lemonades.

Kristina said...

Too funny!

And I agree, pictures taken by yourself as opposed to store bought are way cooler to have around the house!

Jeremy said...

I think you're a cool chick without the bike. But then again, you could get the Vanilla Ice highlights, and wear an 8ball jacket. I think I still have mine if you're interested.

Laura said...

Then I can say things like, "Drop the zero and get with the hero."