Monday, January 7, 2008

don't make em, can't break em

I haven't thought too much about resolutions or goals for the year. Anyone have any good ones, or good suggestions. Or even bad ones I guess. I always find it hard to do vague resolutions like be a better person, or be funnier, or whatever. I need quantifiable tasks that I can check off, you know? You know.

*** updated ****

I have one. I want to take 5000 photos this year. I've read that you don't get to be a good photographer until after your first 10,000 pics. 5000 seems like a doable # to shoot for this year.


The Burtons said...

resolve to work at least 4 days a week and take at least 1 vacation this yr. can't go wrong.

Anonymous said...

wow, now that is a serious goal.

Kristina said...

Just go on a vacation with my husband and you will be half way there!